
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Being Reborn - I finally have High Speed Internet !

Some of you know that I live in a rural area. All we had available was stinking dial up internet access. Well on 2/28/11 we had a bad storm and it knocked my dial up speed down to 21.6 kbps per second (max) from 26.8 kbps per second (once in a while I would connect at 28.8 kbps per second). Years ago I would 40.0 kbps per second on dial up.

Since 2/28/11 and many calls out to the phone company and the dial up internet provider and not getting anywhere with either company. I bit the bullet and got myself Mobile Broadband through Verizon (3G network as we don't have the 4G network here yet). The speed is nearly the same as the DSL speeds that the people up in town are getting (right now I am not able to get DSL because I am too far out from the town)

Having high speed internet is like being reborn !
I am getting speeds like 2500.0 kbps per second instead of 21.6 kbps.
I catch myself still saying I can't look at that or go to that web page because it will never load at my (dial up) internet speed, but it only takes a second to remember that dial up is "not" a problem anymore for me.

The little thing I use is called a "fivespot" modem/router. It's the size of a cell phone and you can carrying in your pocket or purse when traveling and it will allow me to connect up to 5 wireless computers at a time. I can go anywhere now with my laptop and as long as I am in the Verizon Cell Network I can connect to the internet.

The best thing about it is I can now drop my landline which costs about the same as the new Mobile Broadband monthly fee and also drop my dial up service and save another $20 a month.

I am a happy camper !


Jackie Russell said...

I know exactly what you are talking about! Nothing but dial-up for me either. Now if I could just get my cell phone (verizon) to work at my house. LOL! I live in a valley and the cell service is spotty at best but getting better. I'm so gald I have access to wireless DSL at work.

Brige said...


Hopefully they will get you more towers out where you live. The mobile broadband is truly worth the money if you cannot get DSL at home. (they recently changed the package on it to make it more friendly to my budget and surfing needs)

See I live up high on a large bluff above the Mississippi River. The cell tower is only about 1 mile from me also and I can see the upper 1/2 of it from my yard.