
Friday, October 29, 2010

Thank You Dish Network CEO !!!

October 29, 2010, 5:36 pm

New Deal Ends Channel Blackout on Dish Network

I have been a satellite TV user at least 14 years. It started with Primestar and then it was Direct TV when Direct TV bought out Primestar. I grinned and bared it when I had Direct TV as my satellite provider for many many years. (Primestar customer service even was better than Direct TV's)  I switched to Dish Network about 7 years ago and I have never once been sorry that I made the switch from Direct TV to Dish Network.

I have always been an avid fan of FOX (House, etc), FOX Midwest (Cardinal Games) and FOXNews (for more fair and balanced news without all the vomit that CNN or MSNBC pukes out).

I had been missing Fox Midwest and I surely would have missed seeing House but I was 110% behind Dish Network on this whole contract settlement with News Corp. These networks have to start waking up and learn that they can't mess with Dish Network's CEO. This is not the first time he has put his foot down to a network and it won't be the last. News Corp's profit has been twice the amount of what Dish Network's has been.

Sure the end result will be if News Corp can't get the extra money from Dish Network (and Dish's customers) then they will raise the advertisers rates and that just means the advertisers will stick it the consumers who buy their products. But you know what I don't have buy these overly priced and overly advertised products! There are plenty of other "product" options out there on store the shelves. But to this satellite consumer who's only choice is between Direct TV or Dish Network it makes me very happy that Dish Network's CEO has and continues to watch out for his customers.

(sorry for the NY Times link - but it was the only article I could find that wrote at least something about what truly happened - the media has been trying to make Dish Network look like the bad guy instead of News Corp, who was the really the bad guy in this situation)

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